Monday, December 6, 2010

Weavie Wonder,

So in continuing my funny stories that I'd otherwise tell my Dad, I'm brought to this story.

This actually happened Saturday night after our game but I'm just now remembering it.

So we get back from the game around 10 pm. I'm the designated guy to stay late this week. I'm hanging out in the band hall, pushing kids out the door, etc. There's only a few students left in the band hall; everyone else has either gone home or is outside waiting on their ride. I'm walking around the band hall when I see it. It being someone's weave. A student's weave had fallen out. Not once. Not twice. BUT THREE TIMES throughout the band hall. There are strands of weave everywhere. It was hilarious. The two students that were left were taking pictures of the random weave on the floor. I just can't believe that: A) someone wouldn't realize their weave was falling out and B) that their friends wouldn't tell them, "HEY! YO WEAVE BE FALLIN' OUTCHOW HURA!!"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Stuff

Ok. I haven't posted in forever.

Let's make this easy. My Dad committed suicide on November 2, 2010. Not only was he my father, but he was a close friend and confidant. As a colleague, he was someone I always went to when I had something bad happen or when I had something funny or good happen.

I'll probably update with stuff I'm feeling about my Dad sometimes, but the main thing I'll be using my blog for is to update on the funny stories I have from the classroom.

So for the first couple of funny stories.

I have a really good student who plays tuba. He's of Mexican descent. So for Thanksgiving he was going to Mexico. I REALLY REALLY REALLY like bunuelos. So I was talking to him about the Bimbo bunuelos that I got in Mexico last year. He says, "Yeah! I'll buy you some and bring them back!" So after Thanksgiving break he brings me this bag. It's got two packages of the Bimbo bunuelos, a box of borrachitos (GROSS!), and a REAL rabbits foot! This thing is random! I'm not talking about the rabbits feet that we had as a kid. You know, the one's that are really just a thing stuffed with cotton. No, this is the real deal. Dang thing came complete with claws and bones! One of the most random things EVER!

Ok, next story.

So in Longview we play LOTS and LOTS of football. In fact, we just played a game. At tonight's game, one of the funniest and saddest and most random things ever happened. Towards the end of the third quarter there was what looked like smoke coming over the rail of the northwest side of the stadium. I told a french horn player, in joking, "Hey! Something's on fire!" Next thing I know, people are running towards the top of the stadium looking over the rail. More and more smoke is starting to come into the stadium and I start to smell fireworks. Well come to find out, someone's truck somehow caught on fire. I felt bad for the owners. Hopefully they have insurance. I still think it's kind of funny though.