Sunday, March 30, 2008

First Time

Alright. This is my first blog, obviously. I probably won't blog near as much as I'd like to, but this should be a fun thing to do. I feel that I should first state a few things about me as they pertain currently to my life.

1. I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the world.
2. We have a dog. Who knows what kind she is. She's SUPER hyper, but very smart.
3. I'm a band director. I teach at Longview High and Judson Middle Schools.
4. I love music. Obvious by my profession.
5. I'm a HUGE sports fan. I like going to just about any sporting event. NASCAR AND NO-LIMIT HOLD 'EM ARE NOT SPORTS!
6. I really enjoy food and cooking food. I love to grill during the Spring and Summer.
7. Two-faced people really annoy me and I try not to associate myself with them.
8. Traveling is something I love doing when I have time.
9. I used to have a xanga. Haven't updated that thing in two years. This seems much more "adult."
10. I didn't come to realize where I currently fall in my professional world until just a few weeks ago.
11. I've been blessed by God with amazing things that I am no where NEAR worthy enough to have.
12. I'm a HUGE Northwestern State University fan. Period.
13. I like to read. A lot. Michael Crichton and Dan Brown are my favorites.
14. MAE is my favorite band. I've seen them twice and have even driven them to their hotel.
15. I come from a very musical family.

Ok. That's it for the introduction.